Belluck Law LLP Celebrates Women’s Equality Day 2020

Belluck Law LLP is proud to celebrate this year’s Women’s Equality Day, which commemorates the 100th anniversary of the ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, guaranteeing women the right to vote. In order to honor the women of our office, we asked our female attorneys and staff to explain what women’s equality means to them.
“Women’s equality means that I can pursue all of my ambitions to the fullest extent. I am grateful for the women who paved the way before me, as well as those pushing for the change we still need to see.” – Emily Baker, Paralegal
“As a young female lawyer thirty years ago, I was challenged with stereotypes, a different set of expectations, and navigating sexist innuendoes. Today, women have made significant advances in the legal world as well as other professions, but they are noticeably absent from boardrooms and positions of leadership. Even more so, women of color are still statistically underrepresented and have a long way to go to attain equality in the workforce.
On the continued fight for women’s equality, my focus is to ensure that women and girls are given the opportunities they deserve and are empowered to become leaders regardless of the obstacles. One of my endeavors for this mission is as a mentor to middle school girls with Girls Inc. of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey. Girls Inc. inspires Girls to be Strong, Smart, & Bold. The hope for the not too distant future is that all girls and all women will reach true equality.” – Lori Garber, Of Counsel
“Women’s equality means not only having a seat at the table, but also being valued and respected as well.” – Kristina Georgiou, Associate
“Voting is a right and a privilege denied to many, and I am fortunate to reap the benefits of the tireless efforts of the suffragists who fought for the passage of the 19th Amendment one hundred years ago.” – Isabella LiPuma, Marketing Coordinator
“Women’s equality is what Belluck Law looks like; a workplace where everyone is encouraged to seek out professional growth and take risks in the name of change and progress. In an industry where the balance is often tipped towards our male counterparts, and in a world where women must still fight for new frontiers, equality is the privilege to work hard and impact those around me and to be valued and evaluated without bias.” – Emily Parker, Paralegal