Celebrating Community on Mesothelioma Awareness Day 2019

You might often hear people refer to the small mesothelioma “community” and the support they offer each other. Being a rare disease that affects people of all ages, cultures, and socioeconomic status, the mesothelioma community is a diverse group. They range from the people that are working on the major cause of malignant mesothelioma, banning asbestos, researching and spreading awareness of this rare cancer, and of course, those who have been diagnosed with it.
A definition that reflects what a community is from www.dictionary.com;
- Self-organized network of people with common agenda, cause, or interest, who collaborate by sharing ideas, information, and other resources. Virtual communities consist of participants in online discussions on topics of mutual concern, or of those who frequent certain websites.
- Cluster of common interests that arise from association.
The mesothelioma community is a self organized network of people. They or their loved ones have been affected by malignant mesothelioma, or are medical and legal professionals that are dedicated to helping research for a cure, taking care of patients, and advocating for them and their families.
Thursday, September 26, is Mesothelioma Awareness Day 2019. Awareness days are used to bring attention to diseases and how important research is towards a cure. Mesothelioma Awareness Day was started in 2004 by the Meso Foundation. Under the direction of the Foundation, now the Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation, the community is encouraged to wear blue, and raise awareness of malignant mesothelioma, by educating people about this rare disease.
Another group trying to raise awareness to ban asbestos in the United States is the Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization. ADAO, founded in 2004, gives asbestos victims a united voice to raise awareness of the continued danger of asbestos exposure. ADAO is actively working to pass legislation to ban asbestos in the United States, a fact most people do not know.
There are other resources available to help support mesothelioma victims and their families, reach out, get involved if you can.
We strongly encourage everyone to spread the word, support the mesothelioma community in whatever way you can!