Tips for Mesothelioma Patient Routines During COVID-19

The COVID-19 virus has changed our everyday routines. Despite your challenges or adversities, life is very different. Being diagnosed with a rare disease is overwhelming and that alone changes lives dramatically. People that are newly diagnosed with malignant mesothelioma are waiting to come to a Center of Excellence. While waiting for future appointments or treatments how does one not become overwhelmed?
The definition of a routine is a sequence of actions regularly followed: a fixed program. Our daily lives are for most a routine, but when we are thrown a curveball like a pandemic or a rare diagnosis it can upend any semblance of normalcy. Many believe that routines prime you for success. They can prevent you from stumbling through the day, and allow us to get important things done. High achievers tend to find routines that work for them and adhere to them which they credit for their success.
Incorporating your routine and having a new diagnosis of mesothelioma can be difficult. Physically this can be challenging. If you are a walker and now you are experiencing shortness of breath this may inhibit your daily walk or exercise. With the right adjustments, you can continue with your exercise regime at some level so that you can continue to stimulate those endorphins that make us feel good. Numerous studies have shown that exercise is the key in fighting depression and anxiety.
This is one example of how routine can help you get through the day. One other idea about routine is about reflection of what you did for the day. At the end of the day celebrate every little success. If you were able to walk the same distance as you did yesterday or go longer, celebrate. You are worth it. If you write down your goals for the day, review the end of the day success. It is in black and white and there is no denying it. If you choose not to jot down goals, you can use a smartphone to track your progress. There are many apps for exercise, nutrition , and meditation that are free.
The world is changing and we all need to adapt. We need to make the most of our days and be accountable for our success. Reach out to someone and have them help you with your new routine. There are many people who can help with the new normal. According to Aristotle “ We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then is not an act, but a habit.