Carpenters and Mesothelioma - Exposure to Danger

Many carpenters, lathers, electricians, painters, cement finishers and bricklayers are at risk of acquiring mesothelioma because of exposure to asbestos as many building products such as ceiling tiles, wallboards, fire doors, caulks and joint compounds contained asbestos over the past century.
Carpenters’ worksites had little or no ventilation which increased the likelihood of inhaling asbestos fibers and dust.
How Were Carpenters Exposed to Asbestos?
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Until the late 1970s and early 1980s, many structures were built with products containing asbestos, including:
- Paints, caulks, and joint compounds
- Insulation wraps around generators, electrical transformers and pipes
- Cement pipes and sheets
- Plaster
- Laminates
- Sprayed-on fireproofing
- Ceiling tiles
- Wallboard
- Floor tiles
- Roofing shingles
- Fire doors
While carpenters may have used asbestos containing products themselves, they may have also been exposed to asbestos due to their proximity of other tradesmen who also worked with these products on a job site. Most carpenters were not given face masks or respiratory devices to stop them from inhaling asbestos fibers and dust – putting them at a greater risk of developing mesothelioma.
Are Carpenters Still At Risk of Exposure to Asbestos?
Yes. Many older buildings and structures have asbestos-containing materials. Carpenters still face risks from asbestos exposure when renovating and maintaining older buildings that were built with asbestos-containing materials.
The government now mandates that certain safety measures be taken when work is done in a building that may contain asbestos. For example, workers must be trained on how to properly remove asbestos-containing materials, wear protective gear and use respirators when dismantling or removing asbestos-containing products.
Unfortunately, some workers and companies fail to follow safety regulations. Such failures could cause a carpenter to be exposed to harmful asbestos particles – which could eventually lead to mesothelioma.
Why Are Carpenters Still At Risk of Getting Mesothelioma?
Carpenters who were exposed to asbestos dust in the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s or 1980s remain at risk of developing mesothelioma. Many carpenters exposed to asbestos 50 or more years ago may have only recently begun to experience symptoms of mesothelioma such as shortness of breath, pain beneath the ribs or tightness in the chest.
The mesothelioma lawyers at Belluck Law have developed a national reputation for being the asbestos attorneys of choice. For more than 20 years, our mesothelioma attorneys have taken on the big asbestos companies with the highest level of legal skill and the determination to win for our clients.
If you’ve been exposed to asbestos and have concerns on your health, our dedicated asbestos attorney at Belluck Law, LLP can certainly help you. Call or visit our locations in Albany, Rochester, NYC and Woodstock.