Paraquat Lawsuit Attorneys

Regardless of its known toxic nature, paraquat is one the most commonly used herbicides in the United States. Those working around the substance, particularly in agricultural settings, are at risk of ingesting the substance upon exposure.
While the chemical has in the past been associated with poisoning and lung disease, a growing mountain of evidence shows that paraquat is linked to causing Parkinson’s Disease.
Companies that manufactured and used paraquat must be held liable for their negligence. They failed to adequately research the risks, to warn consumers, to ensure workers were protected, or even to admit the substance posed danger of causing Parkinson’s Disease. These risks were published in scientific journals as early as 2009, when it was suggested that exposure to paraquat within 550 yards of a home increased the Parkinson’s Disease risk by 75 percent.
The skilled personal injury attorneys at Belluck Law can help you navigate your paraquat lawsuit. You deserve the most monetary damages for your suffering from those responsible for your exposure.
Frequently Asked Questions About Paraquat and Parkinson’s Disease
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Does paraquat cause Parkinson’s?
Evidence continues to show that paraquat does indeed directly lead to a higher likelihood of developing Parkinson’s Disease. The first research was made public in 2009 in the American Journal of Epidemiology. In 2011, the National Institute of Health published that farmers who used paraquat were 250 percent more likely to develop the disease. And more recently, in 2017, the Unified Parkinson’s Advocacy Council urged the EPA to ban paraquat. While the risk is low for residential use, there are clear connections for many agricultural occupations including farmers, applicators, mixers, and tank fillers. There is also a high risk for people and families living in and around farming communities.
What is paraquat used for?
According to the CDC, paraquat is a toxic chemical used as plant killer, or herbicide, most often for weeds and grass. It is typically made available in liquid form and is only to be handled by licensed operators, as it is classified for “restricted use” by the EPA.
Who manufactures paraquat?
Paraquat is manufactured by multiple corporations including Blanco, Bonfire Herbicide, Devour, Firestorm, Gramaxone, Helmquat, Para-SHOT, Paraquat, Parazone, Quik-Quat, and Syngenta, amongst others. Paraquat is not an ingredient in Roundup, but is often used in situations where Roundup is no longer effective on certain crops.
Is paraquat banned?
Paraquat is not banned in the United States – it is actually one of the most commonly used herbicides. While its use is restricted and it is recognized as a toxic chemical, it is still a relatively common product often found in agricultural settings. The substance is banned internationally, including by the FDA of Thailand, Britain, and Switzerland among many others.
What are my next steps?
Contact Belluck Law today. Our lawyers will guide you through the legal process and will help you through every step of getting compensation.