Trusted Construction Site Accidents Attorneys in New York - We Treat our Clients with Compassion.

If your health and livelihood have been damaged – temporarily or permanently – you need to speak with the experienced New York City lawyers handling construction accidents at Belluck Lawtoday. Clients have come to trust our dedicated team to fight fiercely for the compensation they deserve. And with more than 20 years’ experience fighting for the rights of injured people, our attorneys have secured more than $1 billion in verdicts and settlements.
After a serious construction site accident, you can’t trust your boss or an insurance company to tell you what’s right for you or who is liable for your construction accident case.
Common Types of Construction Site Accidents
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Every construction worker at some point has been warned of the “Fatal Four” ─ falls, electrocution, being struck by an object, or being caught in/under objects. These are the most common types of construction accidents that account for a majority of fatalities.
However, the potential for injury on a construction site is significant and can be caused by many different types of accidents. Some of the common types include:
- Falls from heights: Construction injuries often involve the use of scaffolding and ladders, and when workers fall from one level to another, they can suffer extremely serious injuries.
Falls on the same level: Those who are working at ground level can suffer gravity-related injuries in trip-and-fall or slip-and-fall accidents.
- Electrocution: Workers could be shocked due to unsafe equipment or tools, unsafe grounding of electrical systems, contact with improperly marked or unmarked power sources, or improper use of extension cords.
- Struck by an object: An object could be falling, swinging, or rolling when it hits a worker. For example, a crane may accidentally swing its load into a crowd of workers, or a bucket of materials may fall from a platform onto workers below.
- Caught in or under equipment or objects: Examples of this include a worker being caught in a machine with unguarded moving parts, being pinned between equipment and a wall, or being crushed under a collapsed structure.
- Motor vehicle accidents: For workers assigned to roadside projects, inattentive, distracted, and speeding drivers can pose a serious risk.
- Exposure to toxic chemicals and substances: Not all injuries are immediate. Exposure to toxic materials such as asbestos can cause devastating and potentially deadly illnesses in workers over time.
- Explosions: Construction sites often house combustible materials and other fire hazards that can lead to serious, life-threatening explosions. Workers can suffer burns, loss of hearing, loss of sight, broken bones, and many other life-threatening injuries in an explosion.
- Trench collapses: Trenches are often dug at construction sites in order for workers to lay pipes or cables, or to provide drainage for the site. When trenches collapse, workers can be buried underneath, causing serious and potentially fatal injuries.
- Overexertion: Every hard worker has his limits, and overexertion at a construction site can lead to extreme injuries such as heat stroke and back sprains or strains.
Construction workers aren’t the only ones who suffer serious injuries at construction sites. Innocent bystanders can also be the victims of construction accidents. For example, a bystander visiting the site could trip and fall or be hit by a falling object. Or a load of equipment can fall off a truck and cause a serious auto accident.
No matter what type of construction accident you have been involved in, you should speak with one of our experienced New York workplace accident attorneys to learn about your options for pursuing compensation. Schedule a free case consultation today to get started.
Common Causes of Construction Site Accidents
At Belluck Law, every construction accident claim we handle is unique. However, there are some common causes of construction site accidents:
- Negligence on the part of another contractor or subcontractor on the job. Construction sites are more complicated than most workplaces because there are so many different people working for different employers. When one person is injured due to negligence on the part of someone working for a different company, the injured person can hold that company accountable.
- Lack of proper safety precautions. There are strict safety guidelines to protect construction workers from getting hurt on the job. But when an employer fails to follow these safety guidelines, or when an employee is pressured not to report violations, catastrophic injuries can result.
- Dangerous or defective equipment. A vast array of equipment is used on construction sites, from giant cranes and earth movers to scaffold rope pulleys and electrical components. Unfortunately, equipment can fail, either because the product is defective or it was improperly maintained. Depending on the circumstances, our attorneys may demand compensation from the manufacturer, distributor, retailer, or the company responsible for maintaining the equipment.
- Negligence on the part of a driver. Whether it’s a person driving too fast through a construction zone or a construction worker hauling an improperly secured load of equipment, disaster is only one motor vehicle away. Auto accidents can be the fault of a driver, a trucking company, a cargo company, the vehicle maintenance crew, or the manufacturer or maker of a defective vehicle part.
Contact Belluck Law for a Free Consultation
The skilled New York City construction accident lawyers at Belluck Law have more than 20 years of experience securing full and fair compensation for deserving clients. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation, and rest assured knowing that you won’t owe us any legal fees unless and until we recover compensation in your case.